Canada's Bill C-293: A Sanitary Pretext for Expanding Government Control
Bill C-293 is so broadly defined that it poses a serious threat to Canadian sovereignty and the God-given rights of her people.
The Future Begins Now
There are two frontiers of contention between slave consciousness and freedom consciousness. Slave consciousness reflects a suppressed population hindered by self-limiting belief systems that stifle our potential and create a world of lost souls. In contrast, freedom consciousness embodies an enlightened populace guided by a higher purpose and governed by a mature collective morality.
One modality is easily exploited by tyrannical factions, while the other empowers individuals to uphold a higher standard of vibration and integrity. Empowered and active individuals build the world they wish to inhabit, whereas dis-empowered and inactive people leave the direction of society in the hands of those willing to impose their will. Most good people lack the ambition to seek power, and over recent generations, much of the Western world has left positions of authority open to individuals with low moral standards and a craving for control over others.
Fortunately, there is a strong movement among those currently vigilant, primarily individuals aged 50 and older, who have successfully pushed back against this tide and sparked the Great Awakening within the broader population. This awakening has led to three significant outcomes: the emergence of an independent press, heightened awareness of crimes and injustices, and the realization that it is time to build new parallel systems to replace the decaying institutions that have betrayed our trust. This is the first of the two frontiers I mentioned at the beginning of this entry: the battle for today.
My peers—those in their 20s and 30s today—face a pivotal choice: to either continue to guide humanity toward salvation from the grip of slave consciousness or to collectively succumb to self-limiting belief systems, lost in a dream fueled by digital false realities and substance abuse. If the latter prevails, we risk entering a new Dark Age of neo-feudalism under the reign of the emergent New World Order. The quality of our youth today will ultimately shape the future of our civilization. This represents the second frontier: the battle for tomorrow.
Inter-Generational Continuity
While seemingly separate, these two frontiers are deeply interconnected. The inter-generational continuity of humanity resembles a waterwheel or a relay race: as one runner reaches their maximum velocity, they pass the baton to the next, who is at their peak acceleration. Ideally, this transfer of responsibility from the old to the young should be a gradual, thoughtful process rather than an abrupt hand-off.
Wetiko Among Us
Unfortunately, the structure of our world today has fractured the communal bonds that define our species, leading to a sanitized childhood experience in which children are effectively separated from their parents and raised by the government. It’s no surprise that symptoms of generational division are so pronounced. Many young people find themselves in a state of volatile confusion, struggling to navigate a reality that conflicts with the fantastical—and often delusional—pseudo-religious indoctrination propagated by the Frankfurt School worldview.
Few who have invested their consciousness in this nihilistic, anti-life perspective desire to bring children of their own into the world. With limited potential for growth through natural reproduction and traditional lineage, this ideology reflects a manifestation of Wetiko, relying on indoctrination to sustain its influence and momentum. It acts as a parasitic mind virus that preys on the naivety and impressionability of the young. This tendency toward self-destruction appears, in my view, to be maliciously orchestrated by a small, intelligent faction with ill intent, while being executed by a radical priest class that genuinely believes in their doctrine.
The Gatekeepers Are A Cult
This mind virus first infiltrated the university system through the subjectivity of the social sciences, but has since spread to impact most fields of study. Although its reputation is declining due to the increasing number of incompetent graduates, university remains as the primary gateway to the highest offices in society. Most young adults enter these institutions naive and vulnerable to influence, as they have been conditioned from an early age by government schooling systems to believe that attending university is the path to success. Many parents still trust these institutions based on their own experiences.
Unfortunately, the professors responsible for guiding the next generation are either radicalized by this mind virus or too cowardly to fulfill their duty by speaking out against false and collectively catastrophic academic doctrines. True leaders in academia have largely been sidelined, replaced by conformists who perpetuate the status quo. Our brightest youth, the leaders of tomorrow, for the most part find themselves ensnared in a debt trap that leaves them financially crippled for the first decade of their adult lives, without the tools necessary to make the gamble worthwhile. In the best-case scenario, they end up in soul draining corporate jobs, or in tax funded sick-care or government positions, where they become ambassadors of the anti-life mind virus within their field.
Bill-C293: Our Responsibility
The scenario we find ourselves in today with intrusive campaigns like Canada’s Bill-C293 is a downstream effect of agendas set into motion at least three generations before our time. It is not our fault, but it is our responsibility to put things right. Our actions today, or lack thereof, will collectively determine what life looks like for generations yet to be born.
The Mind Virus Hates Life
Positions of high office are occupied by indoctrinated agents of tyranny who align with a campaign that distrusts the inherent goodness of the vast majority of individuals. They disregard the divinity of all life, our collective duty to steward this planet, the rule of law, human rights, and consistently even the truth itself. This tyrant class, driven by the low vibrational nature of fear and the slave consciousness that has possessed them, believes that by depopulating the human species they can save the planet from what they perceive as an unavoidable extinction event. Their misguided solution to save the village is, ironically, to burn it down.
While their own ranks advocate for depopulation, few are willing to lead by example. Moreover, the remaining sane population refuses to participate in self-destruction through euthanasia or sterilization. The natural human instinct, like all life on Earth, is to survive, fall in love, and raise our young. There are countless ways for humanity to fulfill its duty as stewards of this planet, yet the tyrant class—driven by fear—holds an inherently anti-human perspective. They see us not as fellow beings, but as a plague to be eradicated.
During the COVID era, government overreach contributed to a rise in suicide rates among vulnerable youth, while the mRNA injection campaign has coincided with a sharp increase in all-cause mortality—driven by the insidious greed of Big Pharma and the negligence within the medical profession. More recently, taxpayer-funded atrocities like the genocide in Palestine and the unrestricted support for the Russia-Ukraine war continue unchecked.
Unlimited Power
In Canada, the ruling class has repeatedly betrayed our trust, yet they continue to consolidate even more power over our lives. Riding on the trauma of the COVID era, Bill C-293 grants the Minister of Health sweeping authority to craft a "plan" for preventing future pandemics. However, as demonstrated during COVID-19, the term “pandemic” has become so subjective and aligned with the agenda of the ruling class that it now essentially means "whenever we say so." The Bill fails to define the term, instead stating it will:
(3c) leverage international expertise by using internationally developed metrics for pandemic prevention and preparedness”
The WHO, notably, removed the requirement for a pandemic to involve mortality rates far higher than those of seasonal flu in 2009, basing its classification solely on infection rates. As we witnessed during COVID, these rates were manipulated and grossly inflated through the abusive misuse of PCR testing.
I am not being hyperbolic when I say this Bill seeks to give this wing of the WEF controlled government faction control over nearly every aspect of life in Canada. Leaving no domain untouched, it advocates for:
(3a) “a multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaborative approach, known as a One Health approach, that focuses on the human, animal, plant, and ecosystem health and welfare interface”
Some Specific Points of Concern
Equally concerning is the Bill's fixation on increasing surveillance and control. Consider these points, for example:
(2c) ensure sustained collaboration between the Minister of Health and provincial governments and Indigenous communities in the development of the plan in order to align approaches and address any jurisdictional challenges, including with respect to the collection and sharing of data;
Comment: This signals a further erosion of provincial autonomy.
(2g) provide for the establishment and interlinking of surveillance systems for infectious diseases in Canada and for infectious diseases of concern outside Canada;
Comment: The expansion of the surveillance state undermines freedom by stripping individuals of their fundamental right to privacy.
(2k) include the following information, to be provided by the Minister of Industry:
(i) the manufacturing capacity in Canada with respect to any product relevant to pandemic preparedness, including vaccines, testing equipment and personal protective equipment, and the measures that the Minister of Industry intends to take to address any supply chain gaps identified, and
Comment: Just like the term “pandemic,” the word “vaccine” has lost its original meaning. Is the Bill referring to experimental mRNA gene therapy? During the COVID era, testing and PPE were similarly misused and abused under the direction of Health Canada, while basic necessities for supporting the natural immune system, such as access to sunlight, were denied to the population.
(ii) the communications capacity and infrastructure for electronic platforms and tools, including electronic applications that enable contact tracing of persons exposed to infectious diseases that could lead to pandemics;
Comment: Electronic platforms used for contact tracing, including personal mobile devices, already set a precedent for invading personal privacy. This Bill seeks to take that erosion even further.
(2o) set out, in consultation with relevant ministers, a summary of key cooperative measures or agreements on disease outbreak prevention and preparedness between the Government of Canada, other foreign governments and key international organizations, including the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Organization for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; and
Comment: The Bill aims to strengthen cooperation with the WHO and other foreign entities, further eroding national sovereignty.
(2p) set out, in consultation with the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and other relevant ministers, the routes by which and rates at which pathogens that could lead to pandemics could enter Canada and a summary of border-related measures that would be implemented to reduce any risk.
Comment: The Bill also seeks to centralize power in anticipation of future lockdowns, which, in their previous form, devastated mental health, social cohesion, Canadians' livelihoods, and the economy as a whole.
Closing Statements
When I learned about Bill C-293 through the work of Lisa Miron and my involvement in publications for WCH Canada and Dr. Trozzi, I wasn’t surprised. The Bill struck me more as a formalization of powers that this tyrant class already believes they possess—powers they’ve already exercised. This formalization appears to be an attempt to solidify their control, ensuring that, even if there were genuine independence between Canada’s judicial system and the government, they would become even further insulated from the rule of law, which is supposed to apply equally to all of us.
Moreover, it feels as though we are living through a real-life manifestation of Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged. The state has become so invasive, grotesquely overreaching, and abusive in its mandates that it has turned honest, hard-working, and ethical individuals into criminals. I use the term “criminal” in the same way they use “vaccine” and “pandemic”—subjective to when they say so.
Those executing this campaign as part of a broader assault on human liberty are deeply damaged individuals who have no faith in the natural order of our universe. Their fear is so profound that they seek to play God, desiring complete control over every outcome. This misguided quest for power extends to every man, woman, child, animal, blade of grass, and weather pattern—yet it will never be enough to provide them with true comfort. The path they have chosen will ultimately lead to their own destruction.
We must be vigilant not to follow them into darkness and instead place our trust in the true God—the God of love and wisdom, the source of all creation. The agents of destruction and death are themselves victims of Wetiko, turned into perpetrators of further mass trauma. Let us pray for God’s unconditional love to be revealed to them, just as Saul transformed from a persecutor of Christians into their strongest advocate as Paul. Those engulfed in the deepest darkness are often the ones who most desperately need the light.
To all,
Here's a toast to the human beings involved in the thoughtful process of transferring responsible sovereignty, from older to younger.
+ mazel tov,
Love & Laughter,
mark spark
[ :-)
10-24-24 THU
Re current propaganda,
partisan politics...
"In the midst of these conflicting opinions, the voice of simple, honest, ...truth, is nearly smothered..."
"The American Democrat" (1838)
-James Fenimore Cooper
I intuit that "C-293," though I have not read it, fits in with the current monopolizing trend of globalist agendas.
Both globalist and resistance movements now have access to powerful technologies.
Back when Rothschild learned of Wellington's victory against Napoleon, and gained tremendous political and economic advantage, his carrier pigeon technology was a secret private affair.
Tables have turned.
Globalists must wince at the thought of present day Thomas Paine pamphleteers broadcasting their thoughts worldwide with current computerized technologies.
To the ghosts of David Rockefeller, Heinz Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, et al, I'd just like to say, "Neener neener."
Love & Laughter,
mark spark