The consequences of systemic dishonesty
The energy required to uphold a false narrative is exponential as it attempts to overpower truth.
The consensus mechanism of truth is the most efficient model. Truth is enduring, sustainable, and ultimately fruitful, because it is rooted in what is, not in expensive fabrications and delicate propaganda. No matter how big, how relentlessly enduring, and how loudly broadcasted, lies wither against the test of time.
To deviate from truthful action or thought, a mystic must uphold fabrications which are unverifiable in nature, and simultaneously convince others they are real.
“If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough and often enough, the people will belive it.” - Adolph Hitler
The complexity of dishonesty
The successful perpetual mystic exerts extreme effort. They must remember their past lies in detail, as if it was his true history, and remain consistent under interrogation. Caught in a web of their own deception, the mystic lives stretched thin between diverging realities. The distance between truth and his fiction grows with every compiled lie.
The mystic finds his success in exploiting the trust of others. Like a neck outstretched under a guillotine, the fragility of his reputation is a towering anxiety he cannot escape. He cannot escape the inevitability of that which is in darkness being brought to light. The fear of getting caught takes its toll, for a mystic´s power is dependant on others bending their very perception of reality to fit his own.
Upholding a lie ensured significant energy costs. In contrast, operating under truth is the most efficient model.
Why deviate away from truth?
There are many reasons why someone might deviate away from the truth, including:
To avoid punishment or negative consequences for their actions
To gain an advantage or benefit for themselves or others
To protect themselves or others from perceived harm for their actions or beliefs
To preserve relationships or avoid conflict
To save face or maintain a certain image
To manipulate or control others
To deceive or mislead for personal or professional gain
It’s important to note that the choice to lie or deceive is often influenced by their personal values, morals, and circumstances.
Weaponizing information
To achieve fabrication on a mass scale, tools can be utilized to expand the efficiency of the fabrication. Technology, algorithms, propaganda networks, legislation, and public education can be weaponized to direct the masses into unknowingly and voluntarily upholding a grand lie of extreme consequence. It becomes a perceived truth within their reality; an new object of the around us matrix.
Many fabrications exist in clear sight – impostors. They exist unquestioned. You cannot know the full extent of what you do not know. The incentive structures of our reality are simulations rooted in fake premises designed to channel human behaviour, attention, and emotion to serve the desires of parasites.
“All warfare is based on deception.” - Sun Tzu
Certain fundamental truths require mass consensus to deviate away from. An invasive industry has blossomed from of the incentives to uphold mass-faith in fabrications. Our propagandized media is an effective weapon in the war against fundamental truth. This takes form in the videos we watch; the news we hear; the studies we read, and the top down influence of glorified actors. To uphold a false narrative, these methods require immense energy, maintenance, infrastructure, and preparation.
Discomfort, dependancy, attention & energy
The discomfort of the human condition stems from a subconscious awareness that we are living a lie. Despite an encompassing matrix of false perceptions, truth remains pure and untarnished. It is the turbulence of integrating lies into our world view, and painfully choosing to ignore truth-revealing facts; defensive of the false narratives we grow helplessly dependant on. Only some choose to explore the rough edges of their matrix. When we find ourselves certain, we can observe under varying degrees of magnification that we cannot explain why. Ironically, we can only be certain of uncertainty itself - an understanding of how little we know.
Attention is the focus-point of creation. By removing or allocating our attention, we either become or exclude ourselves from participation as food for a system or belief. Our conscious and subconscious attention is the bridge from the informational realm into physical reality. Conceivably, with strong probability, we fall into a new trap after breaking away from our last. It is like swimming in a fishbowl, within a fishbowl, within a fishbowl… Therefore, it is wise to check our certainties, lest we stunt our personal evolution.
In conclusion I´d like to ask you the reader: how and to what extent does the energy upholding fabricated systems take away from that which could be allocated to systems rooted in truth?