Jun 4Liked by Lluvias Trozzi


Here and there, you have gems, real gems of wisdom. Aquaponics. Recycling fuel from plastic. The idea of reducing, maybe eventually eliminating heaps of plastic waste. All gems. Why are they gems?

You tell some of the what and who and how. These are your gems. But the why, I know it's in your heart, on your mind, still you are mostly silent about it or you talk about it indirectly as when you say you are feeling good about creative inventive trends.

Look at the beginning. You even complain about a lack of incentives! Flip that script and incentivize, be the motivator. Tell us more about why these ideas are so important.

Tell us more of the why. Why talk about waste? Why talk about energy? For example, maybe some ideas are even more than sustainable. Maybe they're restorative. Regenerative even. If the tilapia fish reproduce and they are good food for humans, you maybe don't have to buy food.

Is that a trend toward laziness or enrichment?

If coconut scraps make soap and chicken feed, you can earn a living or eat eggs free. What if you look at the bigger picture? What if we (humanity) live like this and share and trade and create and invent? Isn't everybody enriched?

mark spark


Thank you.

More please.

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May 5Liked by Lluvias Trozzi

Thank you Lluvias for your reply... :) and for your hard work... I shared your original post on X and tagged Stephen G.... with the question, "does he know about this technology"? we have to keep calling them out on such things, "they" are all compromised and very dangerous for Canada.. totally agree with you re: the "death cult" and we will not go away quietly... have a fabulous Sunday, hugs to you and your dad... you are good humans and we are grateful to you both...

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Thank you Greta! Blessings.

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May 4Liked by Lluvias Trozzi

wow that was an amazing post, I had no idea about this technology... I had heard of plastic that is bio degradable, and have wondered why that type of plastic isn't used for everything we make out of plastic?... but this process you have just explained so well, makes a ton of sense... is it expensive to do, and what is used to heat the chamber? is it economical? Why doesn't our environmental minister know about this? Thank you for all your research...

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Thank you Greta! I don´t know the economic models, but the pyrolysis produces more energy than is needed to power the reaction. Nature Labs is a young inventor who uses microwaves (which is quite efficient), while the standard is to use a flame - which can be supported by the volotile gases. As to why our environmental minister doesn´t know / isn´t making progress in this area I do not know. It competes with the interests of the oil industry, carbon tax profits, and also goes up against the anti-C02 death cult which seems entirely out of touch in my opinion. I hope that this answered your questions. :)

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May 3Liked by Lluvias Trozzi

This is an excellent way to turn the plastic contamination of the world and oceans away from progressive deterioration into microplastics which disrupt cellular life, to instead a fuel supply. We eliminate a major problem, create a cleaner resource, and save other resources.

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Exactly! Win-win + a huge decentralization of control over our lives.

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Even more basic is to burn it and run a turbine to generate electricity. Gas scrubbing tech is quite advanced at this point so incinerator plants would have clean emissions.

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